Lagundi For Dry Cough

Lagundi For Dry Cough

is lagundi leaf best for cough?

Daftar Isi

1. is lagundi leaf best for cough?

yes its best it is commonly used in medicines

2. Danny is suffering from cough and colds.His mother decided to make lagundi infusion usinh powdered lagundi leaves.what process is used to make lagundi infusion ​


An infusion to treat coughs is prepared from boiled lagundi leaves but a less bitter and more convenient remedy

3. What is lagundi?Where is it found and how do we use it for cough?Identify the uses and technuques


Known in the Philippines as lagundi, the plant thrives in both humid and arid regions throughout Africa and Asia and has been used by local populations for hundreds of years to effectively treat wounds, headaches, ulcers, skin diseases, diarrhea, and the common cold, among many others.



4. medication of dry cough​

Answer: The picture below defines the medicines for Dry Cough  

5. what do you do to relieve dry cough


drink warm water with lemon


drinking warm water:)

6. medication of fever,dry cough,tiredness​


get some rest,drink 10 glass of water in 1 day and chill,eat healthy foods like veges


get well soon

hope it helps

7. what is the medication of dry cough​


taking OTC cough suppressants, such as dextromethorphan (Robitussin), to suppress your cough reflex. adding honey to a hot drink to soothe irritated throat tissue

I hope that helped


AshVermillion ❤️

8. what do you do to relieve dry cough?​Health po yan


Drink or take ;

Menthol cough drops. Menthol cough drops are available at most drugstores. ...

Humidifier. A humidifier is a machine that adds moisture to the air. ...

Soup, broth, tea, or another hot beverage. ...

Avoid irritants. ...

Honey. ...

Gargle salt water. ...

Herbs. ...



9. 2. What herbal medicine that cures cough and asthma? A. Akapulco B. Bawang C. Lagundi D. Sambong​

Lagundi to remove your cough and asthma




but diako sure sa A

cause diko masyadong alm ang akapulco

10. what do you do to relive dry cough


Dry coughs can be difficult to treat. Once your airways become overly sensitive, they’re easily irritated by coughing, creating a vicious cycle. There are a few things you can do for relief, regardless of what’s causing your cough.


sucking on throat lozenges to moisturize and soothe irritated throat tissuetaking OTC cough suppressants, such as dextromethorphan (Robitussin), to suppress your cough reflexadding honey to a hot drink to soothe irritated throat tissue


1. How to stop dry cough at home

Menthol cough drops. Menthol cough drops are available at most drugstores. ...

2. Humidifier. A humidifier is a machine that adds moisture to the air. ...

3. Soup, broth, tea, or another hot beverage. ...

4. Avoid irritants. ...

5. Honey. ...

6. Gargle salt water. ...

7. Herbs. ...

8. Vitamins.

11. Preventions for fever dry cough and tiredness?

Drink some water and get enough rest.

12. 1. Directions: Look at the chart. Make conditional sentences with modals orimperatives using the following health problems and their herbal remedy.Example: If you have cough, drink boiled Lagundi.ProblemHerbal RemedyLAGUNDIUsed as treatment for dyspepsiaLEMON GRASSHelp ease stomach discomforts​


1. Use lagundi if you want to treat your dyspepsia.

2. Use lemon grass if you want to ease stomach discomfort.

3.if you want to relieve rheumatic pains and gout use pansit pansitan.

4.if you want to prevent viral, yeast and infection use garlic.

5. Use sambong if you want to treat your kidney disorder.


13. what are the systems of covid-19 infectionfeverdry cough​

Researchers in China found that the most common symptoms among people who were hospitalized with COVID-19 include: Fever: 99% Fatigue:70% A dry cough: 59%
Other symptoms may include:
Sore throat.
Chills, sometimes with shaking.
Loss of smell or taste.
Congestion or runny nose.
Nausea or vomiting.


that's my answer

#carry on learning

pa brainliest lang po

14. fever,dry cough and tiredness are the most common bsymptom of COVID 19.​


(SARS-CoV-2) is a viral infection that causes COVID 19. Symptoms can affect the airways and lungs, although this may vary from person to person.

Hope you learned or got what you needed.

15. 5. It is characterized by respiratory problems, dry cough,fever and head and body aches and is spread through respiratorydroplets from coughs and sneezes.​






cute ko po

16. Dry cough explaination


A dry cough is irritating and usually associated with a tickly throat. Dry coughs are often caused by viral illnesses such as colds and flu, but they can also be caused by allergies or throat irritants.

17. preventionfeverdry coughtiredness​

PREVENTION - the action of stopping something from happening or arising.

FEVER - A fever is a body temperature that is higher than normal. A normal temperature can vary from person to person, but it is usually around 98.6 °F (37 °C). A fever is not a disease. It is usually a sign that your body is trying to fight an illness or infection. Infections cause most fevers.

DRY COUGH - a cough not accompanied by phlegm production.

TIREDNESS - the state of wishing for sleep or rest; weariness.

"tiredness overcame her and she fell into a deep slumber"

hope it helps:)


there are in bad health in your life



18. What is popularly used to cure cough and asthma? a. bayabasb. lagundic. ampalayad. tsaang gubat​


B. Lagundi



19. Luna Street, Lo Poz. Iloilo C 10. What is the medicinal value of Lagundi? A for cough and asthma B. treatment of intestinal worms C. for skin diseases D. for urinary tract infections​




Pabrainliest po need ko po

20. ___________she got fever, dry cough a d tirednessgive the cause​




Answer: maybe she have a covid or she bath in rain


21. Are you worried of having fever and dry cough during Covid-19 pandemic?​




because i dont if it cause by the virus or not. and also i can transmit it to person to person if i have this kind of illness.

22. Fever, dry cough, and tiredness are the most common symptoms of Covid-19​

sabi nila salamat nalang daw at nagkaroon ng ganyang pangyayare ayaw na nilang mabuhay kase gusto na nilang mamatay

23. the cause of having fever dry cough and tiredness​

the cause of having fever dry cough and tiredness is low immune system

Viral or Bacterial Infection and Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, fever, head or body aches. Fatigue can be a symptom of infections ranging from the flu to HIV.

24. What is lagundi?could you provide more information for that?I've been having cough lately and need help


Vitex negundo, commonly known as the Chinese chaste tree, five-leaved chaste tree, or horseshoe vitex, or nisinda is a large aromatic shrub with quadrangular, densely whitish, tomentose branchlets. It is widely used in folk medicine, particularly in South and Southeast Asia

25. what do you do to relieve dry cough?​


drink lemonade without sugar


get a half cup of water then get 5 lemon get the juice and don't put sugar drink it

26. if you are feeling unwell due to cough,which herbal medicine are you going to take?a.)ampalayab.)lagundi c.)bayabas d.)bawang​


b. lagundi


wala nmng oregano

27. what do you do to relieve dry cough


Drink medicines and rest well

28. causes and effects of dry cough​


A dry or unproductive cough doesn't produce mucus. A tickling sensation in the throat can make you have a dry cough. Dry coughs can come on after a cold or flu or if you have COVID-19. Other conditions like GERD, heart failure and lung cancer can cause chronic dry coughs.


[tex]\huge\colorbox{black}{~this is the answer}[/tex]

Chronic dry coughs are usually caused by irritation from cigarette smoke , environmental irritants, allergies , postnasal drip, or asthma . Several chronic lung disease also cause a dry , hacking cough . Some people cough out of habit for no clear reason . Gastric reflux may also cause a chronic dry cough


#hope it helps

#carry on learning

29. ___________she got fever, dry cough a d tirednessgive the cause​


covid 19


she sick she fever she covid 19

[tex] \huge\tt\red{Answer: }[/tex]

Because she had a close contact with her neighbor that has a covid-19 symptoms, she got fever, dry cough and tiredness.

[tex] \\ [/tex]


30. solute or solvent1.Knorr pork cubes2.water3.sugat4.zonrox bleach5.alcohol6.lagundi cough​


1. Solute

2. Solvent

3. Solute

4. Solute

5. Solvent

6. solute

7. solvent


sorry kung Mali po Yung iba <33









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