Consider This Situation As Depicted In The Picture Brainly

Consider This Situation As Depicted In The Picture Brainly

consider this situation as depicted in the picture brainly

Daftar Isi

1. consider this situation as depicted in the picture brainly




#CarryonLearning sana ma brainliest please

2. What situation is depicted in each picture?​






1.a person copying another persons paper

2.Tell the teacher or cover my paper so he/she wouldn't see my answers

3.diko alam

3. what situation does the picture depicts​

Poverty and scarcity of foods


The situation in the picture depicts "Poverty"


If you think it helps, please don't forget to thank me. have a great day:)

4. situation that depicts discrimination​


Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation.

5. Write on the blank the situation or occasion depicted by each picture.​


asan po yung photo para masagutan!

6. II. Directions: Look closely at the pictures depicting on the current situations in the Society. Write the social problems illustrated in the pictures and state the possible solutions/ changes for each situation. Write your answers on the space provided.​


Problem - Situation that is harmful and need to be overcome.

Solution - action of solving a problem

7. Consider this situation as depicted in the picture: a student received academic recognition from the school. how do you think a supportive parent would speak to the child? create a dialogue between a student breaking the good news about her academic achievement to her mother.

[tex] \color{green}☘[/tex]

[tex] \color {blue} \rule {1pt} {100000pt} [/tex]

8. what situation does the picture depict​


About nature or something else

9. Look at each picture below. Tell whether each picture depicts bias/prejudice or not by considering the context given. Explain why you consider it as bias or prejudice. Write your answer on the space provided.


Many situations of discfimtion happen because of negative attitudes, biases and stereotypes about people who are trans or gender non- conforming


yan alng po yung alam ko

10. accomplish the chart below with forms of social injustice as depicted by the pictures be able to give resolution for each situation​


Social InJustice

Social injustice occurs in a situation where the equals are treated unequally and the unequal is treated equally. Three common examples of social injustice include: discrimination, ageism, and homophobia (Farooq n.p.). I want to focus on discrimination, its causes, and the solutions of discrimination.


1 : something decided on a New Year's resolution. 2 : firmness of purpose : determination. 3 : the act of solving They went to court for resolution of the matter. 4 : the solution to a problem They found a resolution to the dispute


Hope this helps

Pa Brainleist nlng po Ako pls


11. 1. what does the picture depict about ecology ?2. why is the cell considered as the basic unit of life ?​


it speaks the cleanliness of the lands we live, whice is mainly ecology.

well as you see, we were created from the tiniest cells. cells seem to combine and create a new molecule.




Ecology is the investigation of the connections between living life forms, including people, and their actual climate. Ecology thinks about life forms at the individual, populace, local area, environments, and biosphere level. Ecology covers with the firmly related studies of biogeography, developmental science, hereditary qualities, ethology and normal history. Ecology is a part of science, and it isn't inseparable from environmentalism.

Ecology is the part of science that looks at the connections life forms have to one another and to their current circumstance. Researchers who concentrate on those connections are called biologists. There are a wide range of ways of concentrating on ecology. A few kinds are scene ecology, populace ecology, and social ecology.  Ecology is the investigation of the connections between living life forms, including people, and their actual climate; it looks to comprehend the imperative associations among plants and creatures and their general surroundings. Ecology enhances our reality and is pivotal for human prosperity and success. It gives new information on the association among individuals and nature that is imperative for food creation, keeping up with clean air and water, and supporting biodiversity in an evolving environment.

What is the meaning of ecology?:


12. 1.what does the picture depict? 2.what will you do to avoid that situation to happen?​


1. Humans and a person in the office

2. People who have been lost where work or nagkakaisa

13. Have you ever encountered situations exemplifying the messages depicted by the pictures shown? Narrate such situations.​


No, but some people have encountered these situations shown.


There are times where we would get accused of something we probably didn't do. Like for example, theft is a common thing people can get accused for and it's hard to defend yourself against the law when nobody believes you.

Hope it helps!

14. Task: Accomplish the chart that follows with the forms of socialinjustice as depicted by the pictures. Be sure to give resolutions foreach situation.ਆ॥1​


accomplish the chart that follows a with the forms of social injustice as depicted by the pictures be sure to give resolutions for each situation

15. Look at each picture below. Tell whether each picture depicts bias/prejudice or not by considering the context given. Explain why you consider it as bias or prejudice. Write your answer on the space provided.


In my opinion, the picture illustrates bias. Because the rich do not treat the poor equally in the illustration. The picture shown is that the rich are having a nice meal while the poor are struggling to carry the large table but they're not having that wealthy lifestyle that they should deserve.

16. Directions: Identify the 4 given pictures that depict one situation. Guess what the pictures say about Jumbled letters are clues (5pts each)LEUFATRKEEFATHQL RUAEFATHLR​





Maybe nagtataka kayo kung bakit yan lang ang answers out of how many letters sa test question. Kase yun lang yung hinihinging letters ayon sa box na nandon.

Sana this helps

17. Look at the pictures Guide Questions: 1. What situation is depicted in each picture? 2. What will you do when you witness such situations in school? 3. Why do you need to stand up for what is right?​



2.i will say to the teacher say true and right information


i observe

18. examine the pictures carefully and identify which depiction shows power brainly​





19. Look at the picture below. The picture depicts several situations that involve heat transfer. Identify and encircle 3 examples of methods of heat transfer found in the picture and label them 1,2 and 3.pahelp po. ​


hot soup boiling waterhot toasted bread in the toaster


I guess this is the answer?

Im not pretty sure


20. a dance that depict actions of a particular occupation is brainly


Occupational dance


21. All four pictures in given set depict negative situations or ways of living all of them contribute to the one common system​




22. Write on the blank the situation or occasion depicted by each picture. ​


1. Election/ Voting

2. Death

3. Wedding

4. Recognition

23. Self-check:  - What messages do the pictures symbolize or represent? Support your answer. -  Have you ever encountered situations exemplifying the messages depicted by the pictures shown? Narrate such situations. - These pictures express prejudices and biases. pa help po please.​


the pictures show biases, unfairness and prejudice.

pic2. shows a person being discriminated because of what she looks like

pic1. shows uneven or unfairness

24. accomplish the chart below with forms of social injustice as depicted by the pictures be able to give a solution to its situation​

asan po ung chart?..

dapat po niligay nyo ung chart para masagutan

25. these are pictures that depict some real wor-word situation typically captures by a camera​


uhhm where's the photo?

26. Examine the illustration below and answer the guide question.1. What is being depicted in the image/picture?_____2. How does the situation in the pictures affect you and society as a whole?_____3. Can you provide and identify at least 5 situations similar to the given picture? Justify.a.b.c. Justification: ____________________4. How will you address the situation in the given picture?_______​


1. Crisis and poverty

2. there are more and more criminals and unknown people making life missirable.

3. a. people dying of hunger

b. no right work

c. people is mandatory of working.

4. people don't need to suffer from that case, they need home,food, and shelter for their families.


pa brainlest po please

27. . Accomplish the chart below with forms of social injustice as depicted by the pictures. Be able to give resoulutions for each situation. Forms of discrimination/prejudice Resolution​


1. Segregation

2. Gender Inequality

3. Ableism


1. Segregration

2. Gender Inequality

3. Ableism


28. 1. What does each picture depict? 2. What does each picture depict?3. Why do you think these pictures Depict communication?​


1/2 - communicating

3. it shows in the picture that they are talking directly and communicating to each other

29. Guide Questions:1.)Describe the situation shown on the picture.2.)What seems to be ironic about the picture?3.)Is communication depicted in the picture? Explain your answer.pahelp need ko po ngayon​


1. The situation that is being described on the picture is an old lady with white hair, eyeglasses and holding a black mobile phone.

2. The ironic thing about the picture is that an old lady as shown in the picture is using a mobile phone.

3. Yes, due to the wide spread of corona virus people don't have a chance to see their love ones so thru online or mobile phone you can contact see and talk to them without going outside your home and i think its reliable coz its not only safe for you its safe for the people around you.

30. D. Look at the picture below. Make your inferences on the situation depicted in the picture by completing the following table. Your work will be scored according to the given Rubric. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES​


mamimili ka po sa rabrics


pa brainlest po :)

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