In What Way

In What Way

in what ways in what ways are they different ​

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1. in what ways in what ways are they different ​


Animals give off carbon dioxide which plants need to make food and take in oxygen which they need to breathe. Plants cells have cell walls and other structures differ from those of animals. Plants have either no or very basic ability to sense.

2. In what way communication effective and what way it is not?​


communication is effective when there has a calamity or you need to communicate with your loveones

3. What is the inverse of the statement: "If there's a will, then there's a way." ? A. If there's no way, then there's no will. C. If there's a way, then there's a will. B. If there's no will, then there's no way. D. If there's a way, then there's no will.



Step-by-step explanation:

Inverse mean opposite so yeah that's my answer.

4. in what ways are cells alike? in what ways do they differ?​




5. in what ways are chinese and japanese art similar? in what ways are they different?​


I suppose they are same through music and art because their art and music are connected to the past and belief but im not quite sure

6. what the ways to decrease friction? what the ways to increase friction?​

ways to decrease friction:

•Make the surfaces little more smoother.

•Lubrication is another way to make a surface smoother.

•Make the object more streamlined.

•Reduce the Normal force acting between the surfaces in contact.

•Reduce the contact between the surfaces, so that less number of bonds will be formed.

ways to increase friction:

There are two methods of increasing friction: one is by making the surfaces rough and the other by increasing the mass of the object that is moving. For example, the tyres of vehicles have treads (these are the 'designs' that you can see on the tyre surface), which increase the friction between the tyre and the road.


#carry on learning

7. 2. In what way are the two passages similar? In what way are they different?​


The both demonstrate the affect of water on living things



8. In what ways are Chinese and Japanese art is similar? In what ways are different?​

Which I have been doing for the past few years and I have never had an

9. what are some ways of disposing ways​


There are basically 4 ways to do this (at least).

Recycling. The first and most obvious way is recycling. ...

Composting. Composting turns your food waste into fuel for your garden and it can suit gardens of any kind. ...

Reusing. ...

Anaerobic Digestion.

10. In what ways are cells alike in what ways do they differ


All cells have structural and functional similarities. Structures shared by all cells include a cell membrane, an aqueous cytosol, ribosomes, and genetic material (DNA). All cells are composed of the same four types of organic molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins.

11. in what way are the two passages similar? in what way are they defferent?


bawiin ko lang point ko

12. in what way are the two things similar? in what way are they different?


Explanation: from the word similarity,you‘re going to look for the side where the two things are alike or if they have the same function,uses etc. And just like the other one,you can see the difference between the two when they have the differences.Just do it with common sense and practicality.

13. in what ways are cells alike. in what ways are they different


How are all cells alike?

Even though there are many different types of cells, they all share similar characteristics. All cells have a cell membrane, organelles organelles, cytoplasm, and DNA. 1. All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane.

Click to see full answer.

Just so, what do all types of cells have in common?

Although cells are diverse, all cells have certain parts in common. The parts include a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and DNA. The plasma membrane (also called the cell membrane) is a thin coat of lipids that surrounds a cell. It contains the genetic instructions that cells need to make proteins.

Beside above, are all cells similar in structure? No, all cells are not similar in structure and function. Cell structure is based on the function of cell. Tissue are divided based on the structure and function of cells.

Considering this, are all cells alike yes or no?

Yes and no. Bacteria cells are similar to our cells in some ways. Like our cells, bacteria cells have DNA and a plasma membrane. They are called prokaryotic cells because of these differences.

What are similar functions of all cells?

The cell is the basic unit of a living organism. In multicellular organisms (organisms with more than one cell), a collection of cells that work together to perform similar functions is called a tissue. In the next higher level of organization, various tissues that perform coordinated functions form organs.

14. In what ways are chinese and japanese art similar? in what ways are they different?

[tex] \huge \purple{ \bold{answer}}[/tex]

Chinese art is know for it's paper and silk paintings made by the brush in soaked black or colored ink.

[tex] \huge \purple{ \bold{hope \: it \: help}}[/tex]

it's Dnitdoc1234


it's Dnitdoc1234


Chinese art is know for it's paper and silk paintings made by the brush in soaked black or colored ink.

15. in what ways are cells.alike? in what ways do they differ​


All cells are surrounded by a membrane and contain genetic material but otherwise are structurally diverse. All cells have structural and functional similarities. Structures shared by all cells include a cell membrane, an aqueous cytosol, ribosomes, and genetic material (DNA)


16. in what way case in studies similar to ethnography and in what way they different?​


In narrative research, the inquirer focuses on the stories told from the individual and arranges these stories often in chronological order; in ethnography, the focus is on setting the individuals' stories within the context of their culture and culture-sharing group; in case study research, the single case is ...


I hope it help

17. In what ways are hardware and software different? In what ways are they the same?​


Hardware is a thing such as a computer, printer, mouse, keyboard etc. while the software these are some applications that can be found on your computer.


Hardware Software

As Hardware are physical

electronic devices, we can

see and touch hardware.

We can see and also use

the software but can't

actually touch them.

18. in what way are the two passages similar? in what way are they defferent?

Answer: They both demonstrate the affect of water on living things.


19. 1.) In what way are they similar? ________________________2.) In what way are they different? ________________​


In what way are they similar? Animals give off carbon dioxide which plants need to make food and take in oxygen which they need to breathe. Plants cells have cell walls and other structures differ from those of animals. Plants have either no or very basic ability to sense.

In what way are they different? We can identify the two things whether that they are similar or not if you will give the two things that we should compare that is why I can't answer your question because you didn't give the two things that we should compare. You must first write the whole detail before I can answer your problem.


the first one is right I answer that

Step-by-step explanation:

yup defently right

20. in what ways are bacteria helpful?in what ways are they harmful​


the bacteria is helpful beacause they are teaching us if we are not careful to our self we will get a virus or an bacteria

the bacteria is harmful because if we have an bacteria or virus we will get sick


hope this helps

Ways on how bacteria is helpful:

Bacteria is helpful to our environment because it makes our ecosystem balanced. Without bacteria, our life will be different.

There is a bacteria in salt that keeps it saltiness. Without this bacteria, salt will be tasteless. Our food won't have salt.There is also a bacteria that helps organism decay. It is important for organisms to decay because it eliminates the unwanted waste in out environment like dead animals, dead plants, and others.Bacterias helps people and animals digest food inside the digestive system.Ways on how bacteria is harmful:

Bacteria can be very harmful because it can cause sickness. Also, viruses can be spread because of bacteria. Since bacterias are microorganisms, it can easily spread in the air, water, or food.

Examples of sickness caused by bacteria:FluLeptospirosisPneumoniaAllergiesSkin diseasesDiarrhea

Hope this helped you


21. 1.what is the best ways to overcome it failing grades2.what is the best ways to overcome it procrastination 3.what is the best ways to overcome it doing household chores and answering modules4.what is the best ways to overcome it social issues5.what is the best ways to overcome it pandemic(COVID19)6.what is the best ways to overcome it poverty ​ first

please follow

1. Listen to lectures and take down notes.
2. Avoid using gadgets and focus on the task at hand.
3. Surround yourself with people that are willing to help and support you.
4. Learn to respect everyone.
5. Practice proper hygiene.
6. Donate to those in need.

I hope this helps ^ ^

22. In what ways are Chinese and Japanese art similar? In what ways are they different​

answer:Chinese art is known for its paper and silk paintings made by the brush soaked in black or colored ink. On the other hand, Japanese art presents itself with a number of varieties, such as sculpture made by wood and bronze, ancient pottery, ink painting on silk and paper, oil painting, calligraphy etc.

SIMILARITIES:They use both use bright colors for their landscape, flower and animal drawings in ceramic wares (“Chinese Art and Architecture” and “Japanese Art and Architecture”). They also often used five colors as new shades for their porcelains, which range from orange to green and gold.

DIFFERENCES:Chinese art is known for its paper and silk paintings made by the brush soaked in black or colored ink. On the other hand, Japanese art presents itself with a number of varieties, such as sculpture made by wood and bronze, ancient pottery, ink painting on silk and paper, oil painting, calligraphy etc.

Hope it helps


Main Account: @SweetieHanna

23. In what way are the two passages similar? In what way are they different? ​

they both demonstrate the affect of water on living things

24. 1. In what ways are bacteria helpful? in what ways are they harmful?​


1.Bacteria help many animals to digest food, they help trees grow, and they are important in the recycling of nutrients in the environment. They are also used in biotechnology applications to produce everything from food to energy to clean water.

2the bacteria produce toxins which damage specific tissues in the body


they are helpful for digestive system to digest easier and they are also help to fight other bad bacteria that can cause of infection and etc.

and like what I said the other bacteria can harm you by living in wound, unclean food that can cause disease

25. In what ways are poetry and music alike? In what ways are they different?​


keep safe


kasi baka lumipad na yang utak mo sa kabubuhan mo


In Expressing Feelings and Emotion

26. In what ways are Chinese and Japanese art similar? In what ways are they different?​

In what ways are they similar?

Like all great arts of the world, in Japanese arts you may find what I call the cross-pollination from other cultures, “ethno-original”, and in between, “ethno-accentuated”.

When you compare the Japanese and Chinese visual art, a very sensitive topic is how much they may have in common. Those Chinese who are culturally provincial tend to be believe most if not everything in Japanese visual art has been “borrowed” from China, in various dynasties in China’s long and checkered history. That is wrong. Although I must admit I find the more popular, grass-roots - or vulgar - Japanese visual preferences are not very original, and often grosser reproductions of Chinese and Korean influences. Examples: colorful porcelains, gilded utensils, sakura-themed stuff (Yes, sakura), and most things that fall under the general adjective “kawai”.

On the other hand, the more elegant Japanese arts, such as calligraphy, ink-and-brush screen paintings, rock gardens, etc, although one may recognize earlier Chinese influences, they have been developed long and independently enough to merit a style of their own, and in my opinion, superior to contemporary Chinese counterparts. Let’s call these “Ethno-Accentuated”.

In what ways are they different?

Chinese like to use willow tree, pine tree, bamboo, and evergreen for the tree design.

Japanese like to use pine tree, bamboo, evergreen, and maple tree for the tree design.

This a hard question but I hope this helps

27. In what ways are the body systems similar? In what ways are they different?


Your skeletal system relies on the nutrients it gains from your digestive system to build strong, healthy bones. A body system is a group of parts that work together to serve a common purpose. Your cardiovascular system works to circulate your blood while your respiratory system introduces oxygen into your bod

28. 1. In what ways are the body systems similar? In what ways are they diffe​

Your skeletal system relies on the nutrients it gains from your digestive system to build strong, healthy bones. A body system a group of parts that work together to serve a common purpose. Your cardiovascular system works to circulate your blood while your respiratory system introduces oxygen into your bod

pa Brainliest ty

29. (Sunrise and Sunset) In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?



"Sunrise" occurs the moment the disc of the sun peeks above the eastern horizon due to the Earth's rotation. "Sunset" is the opposite. It occurs the moment the disc of sun completely disappears below the western horizon. Technically, "dusk" is the period of twilight between complete darkness and sunrise (or sunset).



Sunrises and sunsets can appear identical as there is no difference in the light coming from the sun itself at those times and it passes through the same distance of atmosphere. ... We have spent a day in daylight at sunset, affecting both our minds and our eyes.

Hope it helps


Sunrise and Sunset

In what ways are they similar?Sunrise and sunset are similar because both of these terms refer to the moment or cycle of the sun.

In what ways are they different?

Sunrise and sunset are different because sunrise refers to the sun going up in daytime while the sunset setting down when the nighttime comes. They are different because commonly, the sun rises on east and the sun sets on west.



30. 1. What are the different quadrilaterals given in the story problem? 2. In what way is a rhombus similar to square? In what way it is different? 3. In what way is a square like a rectangle? In what way is it different from rectangle?


1)square,rhombus,parallelogram,rectangle and trapezoid

2)it has same sides and corners

3)it like a rectangle but rectangle is longer,its different because it doesn't have the same shape

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Kategori science