Primary Reflection

Primary Reflection

Primary reflection and secondary reflection

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1. Primary reflection and secondary reflection




2. 1. Cellphone is a thing that helps me met my fiancé a. primary reflectionb. secondary reflection2. Sunlight is given by the Sun to us.a. primary reflectionb. secondary reflection3. Love is a confession of feelings.a. primary reflectionb. secondary reflection4. Song makes me feel less lonely.a. primary reflectionb. secondary reflection5. Sunglass is a form of protective eyewear designed primarily to prevent bright sunlight a. primary reflectionb. secondary reflection​







yan po hehe Di ko sure ung no. 5

3. Primary reflection & secondary Reflection of " Death of a love one "Primary & Secondary Reflection of "I am, what i am"​


haha sige par for you to home for you to home for you to home for you to home for you to home for you to

4. i am, what i am primary reflection and secondary reflection​


paki clear po ng ques po diko po ma answer

5. 6. This reflection is concerned not with object but with presences. It recaptures the unity of original experience. It does not go against the date of primary reflection but goes beyond it by refusing to accept the data of primary reflection as final.A. First ReflectionB. Second Reflection C. Primary ReflectionD. Secondary Reflection7. This method looks at the world or at any object as a problem, detached from the self and fragment. This is the foundation of scientific knowledge. Subject does not enter into the object investigated. The data of primary reflection lie in the public domain and are equally available to any qualified observer​A. First ReflectionB. Second Reflection C. Primary ReflectionD. Secondary Reflection





sana makatulong

pa brainless nalang

6. difference between Marcel's primary reflection and secondary reflection​


In keeping with their respective application to problem and mystery, primary reflection is directed at that which is outside of me or “before me,” while secondary reflection is directed at that which is not merely before me—that is, either that which is in me, which I am, or those areas where the distinctions “in me” and “before me” tend to break down.

The parallels between having and being, problem and mystery, and primary and secondary reflection are clear, each pair helping to illuminate the others. Thus, secondary reflection is one important aspect of our access to the self. It is the properly philosophical mode of reflection because, in Marcel's view, philosophy must return to concrete situations if it is to merit the name “philosophy.” These difficult reflections are “properly philosophical” insofar as they lead to a more truthful, more intimate communication with both myself and with any other person whom these reflections include. Secondary reflection, which recoups the unity of experience, points the way toward a fuller understanding of the participation alluded to in examples of the mysterious.

7. Why is primary reflection objectifying?​


Primary reflection is a kind of thinking that calculates, analyzes, or recounts past events. In this way, primary reflection is a fragmented and compartmentalized thinking.

8. Compare and contrast primary and secondary reflection.


Primary reflection examines its object by abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions, essences and technical solutions to problems. In contrast, secondary reflection is synthetic it unifies rather than divides.

9. Difference of primary and secondary reflection​


Primary reflection examines its object by abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions, essences and technical solutions to problems. In contrast, secondary reflection is synthetic; it unifies rather than divides

10. What are the answers generated by primary reflection?

Primary reflection examines its object by abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions, essences and technical solutions to problems. In contrast, secondary reflection is synthetic; it unifies rather than divides.

11. primary and secondary reflections​


Primary reflection examines its object by abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions, essences and technical solutions to problems. In contrast, secondary reflection is synthetic; it unifies rather than divides.


There are two types of philosophical reflection according to Marcel, namely, primary reflection and secondary reflection. Primary reflection is a kind of thinking that calculates, analyzes, or recounts past events. In this way, primary reflection is a fragmented and compartmentalized thinking.


Secondary reflection is a way of helping the individual to recover something of those experiences, so its dual aspect as a critique and as a recovery is important. It also allows some rational, objective access to the realm of personal experience.




12. primary reflection to phenomenology of a candle​


pano po sagutan pakiayus pls

13. main proponent of primary and secondary reflection​

Salomon ang reflection

14. main proponents of primary and secondary reflections​


sorry need lang aq ng points

15. 9. Who is the proponent of Primary and Secondary reflection?​


Gabriel Marcel


One existentialist method identified by Gabriel Marcel: the primary/ secondary reflection.

16. Using primary and secondary reflection of Gabriel Marcel,reflect on the meaning of becoming a person .​


Primary reflection explains the relationship of an individual to the world based on her existence as an object in the world, whereas secondary

17. primary reflection of air in philosophy​

One of the primary reflection of air in philosophy is the calmness.

"an air of dignity,the look, appearance, or bearing of the person specially as a expressive of some quality or personal emotion. And a wide circulation."

18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of primary reflection?​


Answer- When we talk about issue, there well always be positive and negative sides, pro and cons, Advantage.


Hope it help

Study's Learning

I'm helping you to your second questions.


19. 1. How does secondary reflection differ from primary reflection?


Primary reflection examines its object by abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions, essences and technical solutions to problems. In contrast, secondary reflection is synthetic; it unifies rather than divides.

Hopes it helps

20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of primary reflective ​


Advantages and Disadvantages of Reflective TeachingWhen we talk about an issue, there will always be positive and negative side, pro and cons, advantages and disadvantages. Bailey (2012) suggests some advantages and disadvantages of practicing reflective teaching. The advantages of practicing reflective teaching are: (1) make teachers more aware what they actually do, (2) promote collegial sharing if the data collected in professional contexts involving other teachers, like team-teaching, (3) from the insight teachers get through reflection, they can actually improve their teaching, (4) getting insight and improving teachers’ practice may help experienced teachers overcome burnout, (5) affirm teachers’ current practice (or part of it), and (6) help teachers make connection between theory and practice. In addition, if teachers share their reflections, they can attain different perspectives about their works (Farrel, 2016). Furthermore, reflective practices seek to help novice teachers become more aware of decision-making processes to help them determine the effect their decision have in the context in which they are implemented (Pacheco, 2005). Also, by having reflective habit, a teacher will recognize all of his/ her parts of teaching practice he/she had done (Suherdi, 2013).Explanation:

Hope it's help

21. 3 examples of primary reflection


Primary reflection examines its object by abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions, essences and technical solutions to problems. In contrast, secondary reflection is synthetic; it unifies rather than divides


This is I know but hope it helps


22. Amin proponents OF primary and secondary reflections?


Primary reflection examines its object by abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions, essences and technical solutions to problems. In contrast, secondary reflection is synthetic; it unifies rather than divides.


make me brainliest please <:

23. Primary and secondary reflection of a first love​


Decision to love or not to love. Reallly hard to choose.


Don't know

24. giving money to the people in need primary reflection secondary reflection​


primary reflection-learn more about life and experience

secondary reflection-give rather than take away

25. primary and secondary reflection main proponents


“Primary” and “Secondary Reflection” are concepts from the work of Christian Existentialist Gabriel Marcel.

Step-by-step explanation:

#carry on learning

26. i am what i am primary reflection and secondary reflection?​


Primary reflection examine it's object by abstraction by analytically breaking it down into its constituents parts.While secondary reflection is synthetic it's unifies rather than divides.

27. Reflection about Primary sources and Secondary sources.


Remember that because primary sources are often firsthand accounts that reflect the viewpoint and memory of a participant or observer, the information may be biased or skewed. Secondary sources are usually written some time after an event has taken place.

28. own reflection primary and secondary in life​


You are the primary purpose of your life, and everything that comes out of you, in the form of expression and everything that you are connected with it, in the external world is secondary. Unless you are clear in your mind, with what is primary and what is secondary, you can never set the priorities for your life.


Primary reflection examines its object by abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions, essences and technical solutions to problems. In contrast, secondary reflection is synthetic; it unifies rather than divides.
Hope this help you! ☺️

30. main proponents of primary and secondary reflection


Primary” and “Secondary Reflection” are concepts from the work of Christian Existentialist Gabriel Marcel. Hope this helps!

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